Solving the C++Builder 12 Error: Dynamic OnDocumentComplete Event Assignment for TCppWebBrowser
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Solving the C++Builder 12 Error: Dynamic OnDocumentComplete Event Assignment for TCppWebBrowser

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If you’re a C++Builder 12 developer who’s encountered the frustrating error message “Cannot assign a value to a read-only property ‘OnDocumentComplete'” when trying to dynamically assign an event handler to the TCppWebBrowser component’s OnDocumentComplete event, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the root cause of this issue and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it.

Understanding the Problem

The TCppWebBrowser component in C++Builder 12 is a powerful tool for embedding web browsing capabilities into your applications. However, when attempting to assign an event handler to the OnDocumentComplete event dynamically, you may encounter the following error message:

Error: Cannot assign a value to a read-only property 'OnDocumentComplete'

This error occurs because the OnDocumentComplete event is declared as a read-only property in the TCppWebBrowser component. By design, read-only properties cannot be modified at runtime, which prevents you from assigning a dynamic event handler.

Causes of the Error

The primary cause of this error is the attempt to assign a dynamic event handler to the OnDocumentComplete event using the traditional syntax:

CppWebBrowser1->OnDocumentComplete = &MyEventHandler;

This syntax is commonly used for other events, but it doesn’t work for the OnDocumentComplete event due to its read-only nature.

  • TIssue 1: Incorrect Event Handler Declaration

    Incorrectly declaring the event handler function can also lead to this error. Make sure the event handler function is declared correctly, with the correct parameters and return type.

  • TIssue 2: Missing or Incorrect Units

    Failing to include the necessary units or including incorrect units can cause the compiler to throw this error. Verify that you’ve included the required units, such as CppWebBrowser.hpp.

Solving the Error

Now that we’ve identified the root cause and potential related issues, let’s move on to the solution.

Step 1: Declare the Event Handler

First, declare the event handler function with the correct parameters and return type:

void __fastcall TForm1::MyEventHandler(TCppWebBrowser* Sender, IDispatch* pDisp) {
  // Your event handling code here

Step 2: Use the Dispatch* Property

Instead of directly assigning the event handler to the OnDocumentComplete property, use the Dispatch* property to access the underlying event handler:

CppWebBrowser1->Dispatch->-OnDocumentComplete = &MyEventHandler;

This syntax allows you to assign the event handler dynamically, bypassing the read-only restriction.

Step 3: Verify the Event Handler Assignment

After assigning the event handler, verify that it’s correctly assigned by checking the Dispatch* property:

if (CppWebBrowser1->Dispatch->OnDocumentComplete != nullptr) {
  ShowMessage("Event handler assigned successfully!");
} else {
  ShowMessage("Error assigning event handler!");

Best Practices and Additional Tips

When working with the TCppWebBrowser component and dynamic event assignments, keep the following best practices and tips in mind:

  • TIssue 3: Avoid Using Anonymous Methods

    Avoid using anonymous methods as event handlers, as they can lead to memory leaks and other issues. Instead, use a named function or method as demonstrated above.

  • TIssue 4: Ensure Correct Event Handler Declaration

    Double-check that your event handler function is declared correctly, with the correct parameters and return type, to avoid type mismatches.

  • TIssue 5: Use Weak References

    When assigning event handlers dynamically, use weak references to prevent memory leaks and ensure correct object lifetime management.


In conclusion, the “Cannot assign a value to a read-only property ‘OnDocumentComplete'” error in C++Builder 12 can be resolved by using the Dispatch* property to assign the event handler dynamically. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to best practices, you can successfully embed web browsing capabilities into your applications and handle the OnDocumentComplete event with ease.

Component Event Solution
TCppWebBrowser OnDocumentComplete Use Dispatch* property for dynamic event assignment

By applying these techniques, you’ll be able to overcome this common obstacle and create powerful, web-enabled applications with C++Builder 12. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most common errors and issues with C++Builder 12 dynamic OnDocumentComplete event assignment for TCppWebBrowser.

Why am I getting an error when dynamically assigning OnDocumentComplete event in C++Builder 12?

This error usually occurs when you are trying to assign the OnDocumentComplete event handler at runtime, but the TCppWebBrowser component is not fully initialized yet. To fix this, make sure to assign the event handler after the TCppWebBrowser component has finished loading.

How do I check if the TCppWebBrowser component is fully loaded before assigning the OnDocumentComplete event?

You can use the TCppWebBrowser’s ReadyState property to check if the component is fully loaded. The ReadyState property will be set to READYSTATE_COMPLETE when the component is fully loaded. You can then assign the OnDocumentComplete event handler in the OnReadyStateChange event.

What is the correct syntax for dynamically assigning the OnDocumentComplete event in C++Builder 12?

The correct syntax for dynamically assigning the OnDocumentComplete event in C++Builder 12 is: WebBrowser->OnDocumentComplete = MyOnDocumentCompleteHandler; where WebBrowser is the instance of TCppWebBrowser and MyOnDocumentCompleteHandler is the event handler function.

Why is my OnDocumentComplete event handler not being called after assigning it dynamically?

Make sure that the event handler function is declared correctly and has the correct signature. The OnDocumentComplete event handler should have the following signature: void __fastcall MyOnDocumentCompleteHandler(TCppWebBrowser* Sender, LPDISPATCH lpDisp). Also, ensure that the event handler is not being garbage collected by the compiler.

Can I use a lambda function as the OnDocumentComplete event handler in C++Builder 12?

No, lambda functions are not supported as event handlers in C++Builder 12. You need to declare a separate function with the correct signature and assign it to the OnDocumentComplete event.

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