Letting Typescript Recognize New Methods Added through Object.prototype: A Comprehensive Guide
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Letting Typescript Recognize New Methods Added through Object.prototype: A Comprehensive Guide

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As a developer, you’ve likely encountered the frustration of wanting to add new methods to the built-in Object.prototype in JavaScript, only to find that TypeScript doesn’t recognize them. This can lead to annoying errors and a less-than-ideal development experience. Fear not, dear reader! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of TypeScript and explore the ways to let it recognize new methods added through Object.prototype.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand why TypeScript doesn’t recognize new methods added through Object.prototype out of the box. The reason lies in how TypeScript handles type augmentation.

TypeScript uses a technique called type augmentation to extend the types of existing libraries, including the built-in JavaScript objects. This allows developers to add new properties or methods to existing types without modifying the original source code. However, when you add new methods to Object.prototype, TypeScript doesn’t automatically recognize them as part of the original type. This is because the type augmentation is performed by the TypeScript compiler, which doesn’t have visibility into the runtime modifications made to the Object.prototype.

Method 1: Using the declare Keyword

One way to let TypeScript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype is by using the declare keyword. This approach involves creating a new type declaration file that extends the original type with the new methods.

// object.prototype.d.ts
interface ObjectConstructor {
   * My custom method
  myMethod(): void;

interface Object {
   * My custom method
  myMethod(): void;

In this example, we create a new type declaration file called object.prototype.d.ts that extends the ObjectConstructor and Object types with the new myMethod() method. The declare keyword is used to indicate that this is a type declaration, rather than an implementation.

Once you’ve created the type declaration file, you can add the new method to Object.prototype in your JavaScript code:

Object.prototype.myMethod = function() {
  console.log("Hello from myMethod!");

With this approach, TypeScript will recognize the new myMethod() method as part of the Object type, and you’ll get autocompletion and type checking for free!

Method 2: Using the merge Utility

Another way to let TypeScript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype is by using the merge utility from the @typesUTILITY package.

import { merge } from '@typesUTILITY';

merge(Object.prototype, {
  myMethod(): void {
    console.log("Hello from myMethod!");

In this example, we import the merge utility and use it to merge the new myMethod() method into the Object.prototype. This approach allows you to add new methods to Object.prototype in a more programmatic way.

To let TypeScript recognize the new method, you’ll need to create a type declaration file that extends the Object type with the new method:

interface Object {
   * My custom method
  myMethod(): void;

By using the merge utility, you can avoid modifying the original Object.prototype type and still get the benefits of type augmentation.

Method 3: Using a Custom Type

A third approach is to create a custom type that extends the Object type with the new methods. This approach is useful when you want to add multiple methods to Object.prototype or when you need more control over the type augmentation process.

interface MyObject extends Object {
   * My custom method
  myMethod(): void;

In this example, we create a custom type called MyObject that extends the Object type with the new myMethod() method. The type parameter allows you to specify the type of the object.

To use the custom type, you’ll need to create a new interface that extends the ObjectConstructor type:

interface MyObjectConstructor {
  new(): MyObject;

Finally, you can add the new method to Object.prototype and use the custom type to get type checking and autocompletion:

Object.prototype.myMethod = function() {
  console.log("Hello from myMethod!");

const myObject: MyObject = {};
myObject.myMethod(); // TypeScript recognizes the myMethod() method!

Best Practices and Considerations

When letting TypeScript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype, there are some best practices and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful names for your custom methods: Avoid using names that might conflict with future additions to the JavaScript language or other libraries.
  • Document your custom methods: Use JSDoc or other documentation tools to document your custom methods, making it easier for others to understand their purpose and usage.
  • Keep your custom methods organized: Consider grouping related custom methods into a single utility library or module to keep your code organized and easy to maintain.
  • Test your custom methods thoroughly: Make sure to test your custom methods extensively to ensure they work as expected across different browsers and environments.


In this article, we’ve explored three methods for letting TypeScript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype. By using the declare keyword, the merge utility, or a custom type, you can extend the built-in JavaScript objects with new methods while maintaining type safety and autocompletion.

Remember to follow best practices and considerations when adding custom methods to Object.prototype, and don’t hesitate to experiment with different approaches to find the one that works best for your project.

Method Description Example
Using the declare Keyword Extends the original type with new methods using the declare keyword // object.prototype.d.ts
interface ObjectConstructor {
* My custom method
myMethod(): void;

interface Object {
* My custom method
myMethod(): void;

Using the merge Utility Merges new methods into the original type using the merge utility import { merge } from '@typesUTILITY';

merge(Object.prototype, {
myMethod(): void {
console.log("Hello from myMethod!");

Using a Custom Type Creates a custom type that extends the original type with new methods interface MyObject extends Object {
* My custom method
myMethod(): void;

interface MyObjectConstructor {
new(): MyObject;

We hope this guide has helped you understand how to let TypeScript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you struggling to make Typescript recognize new methods added through Object.prototype? Worry no more! Here are the answers to your burning questions.

Why doesn’t Typescript recognize the new methods I added to Object.prototype?

This is because Typescript doesn’t automatically include the new methods when it generates type definitions for the Object type. You need to tell it explicitly by augmenting the Object type.

How do I augment the Object type in Typescript?

You can augment the Object type by creating a declaration file (e.g., obj.d.ts) with the following syntax: `declare global { interface Object { myNewMethod(): void; } }`. Then, include this file in your Typescript configuration.

Can I use the `// @ts-ignore` comment to suppress the error?

While it might seem like an easy fix, using `// @ts-ignore` is not recommended as it disables type checking for that line. Instead, augment the Object type to ensure type safety and make your code more maintainable.

What if I want to add methods to other built-in types, like Array or String?

You can follow the same approach as for Object. Just create a declaration file and augment the corresponding type (e.g., `interface Array { myNewMethod(): void; }` for Array). Don’t forget to include the file in your Typescript configuration.

Are there any performance implications when augmenting built-in types?

In general, there are no significant performance implications when augmenting built-in types. However, if you’re adding a large number of methods, it might affect the performance of your code. Just be mindful of the methods you add and their complexity.